What A Head Case

My most recent read is Noggin by John Corey Whaley. This is quite the unique tale. Whaley spins us the yarn of Travis Coates, a teenage cancer patient- who died. But then came back to life. Thanks to his head being cryogenically frozen for five years and then attached to a new body. Travis re-emerges into the world with a brand new sixteen year old body, while everyone from his life has aged five years. Travis feels like he saw everyone last week, but they have been missing him for what seems like ages. His girlfriend has moved on, his house in different, and he has to go back to high school with none of his friends. We follow Travis on his journey to readjust to the world that has suddenly changed for him. Whaley's snappy writing style and interesting habit of using the last words of the previous chapter as the next chapter's title (something that I particularly enjoyed) lend the book a fresh feel. I enjoyed this read, although I wish the ending had been a bit more developed....