Dream School?

Yet another triumphant return! This time I bring you The Vault of Dreamers by Caragh M. O'Brien. This book was a brain smasher. Our setting is a school, of all things- a very special art school, called The Forge. Students are televised, 12 hours a day. Their entire education doubles as a reality show. The other 12 hours they are asleep, thanks to sleeping medicine. We follow the Forge journey of a girl named Rosie, an aspiring film maker. She makes interesting friends, including a kitchen staffer named Linus. In her journey, Rosie discovers that maybe not everything is as it seems at the Forge school. Rosie tries to follow up on her suspicions, but keeps getting tripped up. Could there be something larger than she ever suspected going on? O'Brien throws us into a tale of madness, emotion, and dreams. The evocative writing and story itself keep the reader glued to the pages to the last- although I personally was let down by the ending. However, an excellent book over all, and I...