Murder Take 2

Another of my recent reads is a sequel to a book I've talked about on here! If you can remember, last fall I wrote about The Naturals , a Criminal Minds-esque teen mystery novel. I just finished the next book in the series- Killer Instinct . And let me tell you, Jennifer Lynn Barnes was just as good the second time around! She continues the story of Cassie and the rest of her housemates, all superbly talented in interesting fields, including lie detecting and profiling. They all think they're stuck helping with cold cases- then a new murder crashes into their world, especially affecting one of their own. The thrilling chase to catch a serial killer (or two?!) has the reader on tenterhooks through every page turn. No paper cuts from turning pages too eagerly, please! Barnes' unique perspectives in her writing give the reader intriguing new ways to interpret the story, and help you solve the mystery right along with the characters! All I can say is, this is one rad mystery t...