There's Nothing Like It
There's no business like show business! - Irving Berlin Being onstage is unlike anything else I've experienced in this world. There's something about waiting in the wings, shrouded in darkness, hushed in anticipation. About stepping into the light for the first time, projecting your voice out into the audience, telling a story. About taking a bow, feeling the sense of pride at what you have helped create in this specific moment in time. A few weeks ago, I got to experience the joy of performing for the first time in over a year and a half. I had still been involved in theatre- I had directed and assistant directed three plays in that time. But getting the chance to tell the story again myself- it was like discovering theatre all over again. Every child finds their escape. Many turn to sports, others to art, some to music. I found my escape in the theatre. It was the first place that I could be myself, surrounded by other kids like me. We all wanted the same things- t...