The Importance of Being Adventurous
Adventure is out there! - Disney's "Up" I got a perm today. I have never done anything to my hair before- no dying, little to no straightening, I barely even blow dry it - so this is a big change. I was freaking out about it last night, so much so that I dreamt about all the ways it could go wrong, but now that's it's done, I kinda love it. This experience reminded me that now is the time to be adventurous. I'm twenty years old. How long will I get to have the freedom to do basically whatever I want? How many more opportunities will I get to do something as ridiculous as getting a perm just so I look more Scottish for a play? Sometimes adventure is little things- ordering something new at a restaurant, taking a different path to class, sitting somewhere new in the cafeteria. Sometimes adventure is simple things- dancing to Kesha and remixing musical songs with your friends, giggling too loudly in the library late at night, driving half an hour for Chi...