
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Importance of Being Adventurous

Adventure is out there! - Disney's "Up" I got a perm today. I have never done anything to my hair before- no dying, little to no straightening, I barely even blow dry it - so this is a big change. I was freaking out about it last night, so much so that I dreamt about all the ways it could go wrong, but now that's it's done, I kinda love it. This experience reminded me that now is the time to be adventurous. I'm twenty years old. How long will I get to have the freedom to do basically whatever I want? How many more opportunities will I get to do something as ridiculous as getting a perm just so I look more Scottish for a play? Sometimes adventure is little things- ordering something new at a restaurant, taking a different path to class, sitting somewhere new in the cafeteria. Sometimes adventure is simple things- dancing to Kesha and remixing musical songs with your friends, giggling too loudly in the library late at night, driving half an hour for Chi...

I Miss It

Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. - Harper Lee I'm in college. I'm majoring in secondary English education. I have to read books for class all the time. In the last six months, I have finished exactly three non-required books. Do you ever have those moments when you're suddenly aware of everything? Like the air you're breathing, the sound of train horns in the distance, the feel of the ground beneath your feet, the brightness of the sun, the hum of the air conditioner? I have those moments fairly often. And there, in those still moments when the world seems to slow down around me, I remember reading. I remember begging my mom to go to the library twice a week, because I had devoured my checked-out books already. I remember asking my teachers to go to the school library nearly every day, and them sighing, letting me scamper down the hall to the room full of books I had already read. I remember going into Barnes an...