Beautiful Sorrows

The last book I read was The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. It is as the title implies: strange, and beautiful. Walton's writing style is very flowing and full of excellent descriptive words. You can feel the emotions of the characters seep through the pages and into you. The plot centers around a family and its many troubles with love, and their interesting qualities (i.e., one character turns into a canary, and another is born with wings). I thoroughly enjoyed this book mostly because of the vivid descriptions, and the characterization. Walton's word choice is lyrical, and using a POV (point of view) of a girl telling the tale of her family, you get the feeling that only you are being told the story. The characters seem like you have known them forever, with strong development and personalities. You can connect with each of them in their plight. The story takes place over the course of many years, from the early 1900's to the 1950's. It gives a unique look at life in those time periods. I highly recommend this book, although be prepared for the feels.

(Picture from


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