CPH Internship Week #8: Of Pasta and PowerPoints

My time at CPH has flown by and I now only have one week left in St. Louis! I had a lot of fun this past week, though.
As the VBS intern, a lot of my job has consisted of updating and changing files for next year's VBS, Miraculous Mission. I got really good at using the "find and replace" tool in Word! However, this week I got to do more with creating original files and content. Adele and I have been working on creating the PowerPoints for the song lyrics and the opening and closing sessions of VBS. This required a lot of waiting for various art files, waiting to make sure the song lyrics were proofread, and waiting for InDesign to export files. After this week, I could go years without using InDesign again and I would be happy! But really, it's been so cool to put together something that I know will be used by churches next summer. Heck, I'll be using it! When we were exporting lyrics for what felt like the thousandth time, Adele and I reminded each other about the big picture - VBS and everything it does to help share the Gospel! It has been so amazing to know that what we are helping to create is going to share the love of Christ with kids all over the country.
Aside from a busy workweek, I also got to do some more exploring of St. Louis. We had an amazing Italian dinner on the Hill, featuring the best chicken alfredo I have ever had. Enjoying a "fancy" dinner with my fellow interns was so nice! We all dressed up and a woman from a nearby table even complimented us on her way out.
I also got to see one last show at the Muny this week. Adele, Audrey, and I waited in line for free seats to see "Annie." I loved the movie growing up and it was so fun to see it come alive onstage. All of the talented kids in the show astounded me! I love seeing kids onstage - good thing I'm going to be a theater teacher, right?
Overall, I have had such a wonderful summer here in St. Louis. I have made fantastic friends, experienced some awesome shows and sights, and gained new skills. This week is going to be bittersweet! I am so thankful that God gave me this incredible opportunity to serve Him and the church in a way that I never expected.


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