
Hello all! College is again plaguing me with a lack of free time for reading. I finally got a book read because I read it on my phone! Ebooks do have some redeeming qualities. I finished up I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You , the first book in Ally Carter's Gallagher Girl series. I started this series when it first debuted, but fizzled out before it finished, so I'm going back to read them all properly! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Carter's style and spunk. Our main character is Cammie, also known as "The Chameleon". She's the daughter of spies and now attending an elite spy academy (the Gallagher Academy, where the series gets its name), training to go into the field herself. Aided by her best friends, Bex and Liz, she gets into the average amount of trouble for a teenage spy. Two people come into her life and throw it out of wack- Macey, the rich, snobbish daughter of a prominent senator, and new Gallagher Girl; and Josh,...