CPH Internship, Week #1: Of Friends and Food Days

Hi all! To share about my experience as an intern at Concordia Publishing House, I thought it would be a fun idea to do a sort of recap blog post at the end of each week. I hope you can get a smidgen of the joy out of these posts that I've gotten from this week!
I began my journey at CPH on Tuesday, May 29. My family and I had driven out to St. Louis on Sunday, stayed in a hotel, and then moved me in with my host family on Monday. We explored the quintessential St. Louis Arch, got some blisters and a little too much sun, and the fam hit the road back to Kansas, leaving me in the big city.
Getting a handle on how to drive in St. Louis has been... interesting. There are people everywhere! I've seen more people jaywalk in the last week than I have in my entire life. There's so much traffic! After living in the quaint, quiet town of Seward for three years, having to deal with three lanes of traffic is a little stressful. Thankfully, my drive to work is only about ten minutes, and I only have to deal with two lanes. The city atmosphere in general has been crazy. Again, I'm used to the Midwestern habits of smiling at and greeting everyone you pass. People here usually divert their eyes and walk right by. At CPH itself, it's different again. Everyone is so friendly! While I've been overwhelmed with all the introductions this week, all the people I've met smile at me in the hall, ask how I'm doing, and sometimes even exchange a joke.
My actual job has been wonderful. I've done something new every day. I've learned about marketing software, helped make set pieces for VBS videos, created materials lists, hung backdrops, painted, had lunch with the CEO, and more! Being the VBS intern at this time of year is so exciting. We're in the midst of preparations for the videos for next year's VBS already! There are so many things to organize and decorate - the director in me is beyond thrilled.
CPH is such a great place to work. I've only been here for a week and it already feels like a family! We have chapel on Wednesdays and devotions in the mornings, food days to celebrate almost every occasion (we had a giant cinnamon roll on Thursday!), and everyone is just so genuinely kind, caring, and dedicated to sharing the Gospel.
In addition to all the new people I've met at CPH, including some great fellow interns, I've also gotten to catch up with old and new friends this week. The wonderful April Bayer, a fellow CUNE Bulldog, is also interning at CPH. I got to have ice cream with my long-time pen pal and Jayhawk, Elizabeth, before she headed off to her own internship. And I got to enjoy the St. Louis landmark restaurant, Fitz's, featuring an enormous root beer float, with the lovely Linnea.
I am so stoked to have started off this internship with such a wonderful week. I know the rest of the summer is going to be jam-packed with learning experiences, opportunities to grow, and many, many ways for me to serve God and those around me.


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