CPH Internship Week #2: Of Tape and Tacos

My first full week at CPH is complete! It flew by quick as a wink, but it was packed with great experiences.
Most of this week was dedicated to decorating two of our large conference rooms for the Miraculous Mission VBS promotional shoot. I spent my days hanging backdrops, blowing up inflatable planets, taping down tarps, and cutting galaxies out of paper. It was tedious at times, but it was all worth it when Friday rolled around and I got to see the reactions of all the kids who were part of the shoot.
One highlight of this week was a celebration. On Wednesday, the curriculum department went out to lunch in honor of Lisa Clark, a member of the team and author of the popular Messengers series from CPH. We ate at the Taco and Ice Cream Joint, which was delicious, authentic, and fun. It was nice to just "hang out" with the department and get to know people a bit better. It was also fun to just see a small part of St. Louis that I hadn't explored yet!
Friday was my biggest day at CPH so far. Known as "Promo Shoot Day," we put together a mini-version of next year's VBS so that we could get video and photos for the promotional materials. Rather than hire outside the company, CPH employees bring in their children and volunteers themselves. We had about 30 kids and it was just so much fun to see their reactions to Miraculous Mission! All of the interns got to help out, leading groups of kids or helping out wherever needed. As the VBS intern, I helped lead songs, set up for Bible stories, play games to occupy the kids in between activities, and basically do whatever was needed. I loved it! It was so exciting to see all the facets of the VBS working and being enjoyed by the kids and adults alike. I can't wait until next year, when churches across the country will get to put it on themselves! I think Miraculous Mission is one of the best Vacation Bible Schools CPH has ever done.
There isn't much more to tell about this week, but I'm looking forward to the coming days at CPH! Next week we have a photo shoot with models for more promotional materials, a VIP luncheon, and more exciting events. There's still a lot to do when it comes to making sure Miraculous Mission will be marvelously put together, and I'm so excited that I get to be a part of it! Here's hoping that the rest of my internship will be as fulfilling as this week was.


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